Starfront: Collision HD - the best strategy in the real time. Choose one from three races and enter resource war! In the game there’re 20 missions in a passing mode, 24 constructions, 30 types of units and 5 various locations. In multiplayer game there’re 5 maps with possibility of game up to 4 people at the same time.
Starfront: Collision HD - the best strategy in the real time. Choose one from three races and enter resource war! In the game there’re 20 missions in a passing mode, 24 constructions, 30 types of units and 5 various locations. In multiplayer game there’re 5 maps with possibility of game up to 4 people at the same time.
Install apk, unpack data to sdcard/gameloft/games/GloftSFHP
Update: Multitouch fix, compatibility with all GPUs and screens, one apk for all devices, pink lines is fixed.
Compatibility: Android ICS and up, all devices, all GPU's.
Version 1.0.0 from patreon:
There's no splash-screen.
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Info: v1.0.0 based on the Galaxy Tab version (PowerVR).
Last update: August 23, 2018.