40 HTTP Status Codes You Absolutely Must Know

40 HTTP Status Codes You Must Know

HTTP Status Codes message represents the state of a web page being loaded by a client. In cases where all goes well the user just gets the web page they were after. However, when things go wrong an error message will appear in their browser with the error type (number) and a short explanation.

Remembering HTTP Status Codes is difficult because there are alot of codes to remember. Fortunately, after watching these pictures you will definitely remember some of the HTTP Codes quiet easily:

404 Not Found

413 Request Entity Too Large

414 Request-URL Too Long

101 Switching Protocols

402 Payment Required

411 Length Required

409 Conflict

429 Too Many Requests

426 Upgrade Required

300 Multiple Choices

204 No Content

507 Insufficient Storage

509 Bandwith Limit Exceeded

201 Created

200 Ok

302 Found

508 Loop Detected

206 Partial Content

401 Unauthorized

408 Request Timeout

423 Locked

303 See Other

304 Not Modified

307 Temporary Redirect

406 Not Acceptable

403 Forbidden

410 Gone

416 Request Range Not Satisfiable

431 Request Header Fields Too Large

417 Expectation Failed

418 I'm a Teapot

422 Unprocessable Entity

424 Failed Dependency

425 Unordered Collection

444 No Response

500 Internal Server Error

502 Bad Gateway

450 Blocked by Windows Parental Controls

405 Method Not Allowed

599 Network Connect Timeout Error

Source: GirlieMac

Related Search Terms: server response codes, http error codes, http error code, status pages, web server code, html response codes, http code, website status.

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